Annotating PDF's

Are you sharing pdf's with your students, wishing they could write on them and then turn them back in, all electronically? They can! All you need is an easy annotation tool. Let me introduce you to one in particular: CROCODOC (Yes, you can click on that.)

If you need to make a quick annotation, there's no need to log in, just upload your pdf and get busy!

But for classroom use, I would suggest having the students Sign Up and Sign In: it's easy.

Once you've logged into your account, you can access your Crocodocs anytime.

Use the TEXT tool to type answers or comments onto your pdf.

Use the DRAWING tool to make other annotations.

When you (or your students) are finished, click on SHARE to get a live link to your Crocodoc.

OR you can download your finished product for future uploads.

Now your students can answer questions and annotate on your pdf's, then turn them right back in to your Google Classroom or your Edmodo Group. They can even email them to you. Crocs Away!
