This is a great option - IF the responses actually show up on the email Google sends you. Unfortunately, Outlook occasionally displays a blank response. If this happens to you, just click the "Reply" option on your email.
For some unknown, magical reason - the "reply email" will display your responses. I'm sure it's not really magical, and it's probably even known, but for whatever reason, it works.
You can save or file the email for later viewing, email it to yourself, or simply click "Discard" at the top. This process doesn't work for students. Their email addresses are through Gaggle, not through their domain login, so their responses would end up in the black hole of fake internet addresses. It works for teachers because our email addresses are the same as our domain logins. In a perfect world, it would be the same for the students, too:) Let me know if this solution doesn't work for you - Abi
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