You can stop burning your files on CD's at the end of the year, and you don't have to save your folders in ten different locations - use your Google Drive! Because you are in a GAFE domain (Google Apps for Education), you have 10 TB of storage. That is an unimaginable amount of curriculum, resources, pictures, videos, music, presentations and flipcharts. Also, if you are changing to a new laptop, it will not have a disc drive, making a backup to Drive more convenient than ever. As in all things Google, there are several ways to save your items into Drive. Let's go over two methods.
Method 1: Using Drive on the Web
Open Chrome - if you are a fan of Safari or Firefox, there is nothing wrong with your preference, and you can certainly do all of this from any browser. Just keep in mind that Chrome is the Google browser, so it works better with all things Google, like Drive. More than that, Chrome will often have extra options for Drive that you will not see in Safari or Firefox.
Method 2: Downloading Drive
Downloading Drive gives you the option to save and access Drive files directly from your finder. It will also auto-sync all of your Drive files and allow you to work on them offline. Files edited offline re-sync as soon as your device is back online.
Log into Google Drive from your browser:
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